A few weeks ago we went for a FANTASTIC trip down to the Pt England Reserve.
All of Point England School walked down to Point England Reserve.We also had a picnic there too.Some teachers went down to the reserve on their cars.
We also played some COOL games.I played rugby,touch,helled and I played on the playground.We were suppose to have a picnic last year but it got cancelled off because of the rain.There was lots of games played.
We were allowed to have a swim if we wanted too.I didn't want a swim because i didn't feel like one.If you wanted to go for a swim you had to wait for you turn.Mr Burt Will call out your team number then you could go for a swim but if he didn't then you couldn't yet.Some of the adults had to be in a U in the water.They were in a U because they can protect the children in case they drown.Mr Burt did a handstand in the water.He did it for long.He could stay under the water for long.
There were singing too.Heaps of songs were played.Heaps of people were lining up to sing.They played one of my favourite songs.It was called With You by Chris Brown.That is such a cool song.I didn't want to sing though.
I felt very Excited and Happy.
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