Yay! When I walked in through the school gate, I could see all my friends bringing in their gear. That could only mean one thing...Our school camp! This year it was called Camp ‘Take Charge’! There were 6 groups which were The Responsiblez, Respectablez, Parrticipatorz, Motivatorz, The Thinkerz and The Carerz. My group was the Carerz. Each group had their own part of the hall where their gear was kept.
Our activities for the first day were Kayaking, building our tents, preparing the hangi and games taken by Mr Barks and Mr Harris. Our first activity was preparing the hangi with Ms Tito. We peeled potatoes and kumara which was then prepared for our hangi . Other food items included pumpkin, chicken and lamb. My favourite activity was kayaking because I had fun racing with my friends in the kayak and I enjoyed getting wet.
On the second day, our activities were the activities that Rock Up came with to our camp. There was Rock Climbing, The Dunker, Shuffle Boarding, Alligator Alley and Archery. We were all put into 15 groups and rotated around the activities challenging each other. I was in group number 5 and our first activity was the Dunker. We had to sit on a plank of wood above a tank of cold water. The other teams had to throw the tennis ball and hit a target to make us drop in. We got 16 points which made us come 2nd.
My favourite activity from Rock Up was the Dunker because I enjoyed getting wet and getting others wet as well !
On the last night we were lucky because we had a Concert night. Every group had to perform an item in front of everyone. All the groups got given a colour which they had to wear on the night. Our group ( The Carerz) were given the colour blue. We did a chant and some Jump Jam moves. Our song was ‘Blame it on the Boogie’. Overall we didn’t win a place in the top 3. Respectablez came 1st, Thinkerz came 2nd and The Responsiblez came 3rd.
I think that this was an extra special camp because this was the first ever year 7 and 8 camp and it was also our last ever camp at Pt England School.