There were many buildings that have now been busted down like the Famous Cathedral Square and the Office and Work buildings. There were still people in these buildings as the earthquake occurred. Some are still trapped waiting for help from the rescuers. 48 people have been rescued with Bad Injuries but still more to come.There was debris left everywhere as well as left over pieces of busted buildings.
People were worried about their family members who have not yet arrived home. They were also left homeless from this accident. Schools down in Christchurch have been closed due to the earthquake, they will probably re-open when the ‘all clear’ is given.
This was one of the nations worst natural disasters, I pray that all those families who have lost their loved ones will be able to cope with their loss and I pray that Christchurch will be able to once again become the awesome and lovely place it once was.
Hello Destiney,
My name is Woodie Holloway and i live in Mobile Alabama. I'm a student at the University of South Alabama, where i am currently enrolled in Dr.Stranges EDM 310 class. One of our class projects, was to comment on Blogs, from a random selection process. I was fortunately enough to be matched with you. First let me say, i'm am quite sorry, for the tragedy, which struck your country. My prayers are with everyone who was effected. The results of the earthquake, were on television, all over the world. Believe me, we feel your pain. You know its ironic, that i was matched with you. My youngest sister lived in Christchurch years ago. They were in the military, and was stationed there. My mother went to visit, and came back with great stories, about how wonderful, your country is. I will always remember her descriptions, as i was a very young boy then. Those memories are fresh in my mine today, although my mother is no longer alive. Another strange coincidence. My wife keeps her girlfriends daughter when she works. Great kid. She is in the seventh grade, a cheerleader, and her name is Destiney. I guess i'll go for now, but you are always welcome to visit me on my blog at (hollowaywoodieedm310.blogspot.com)
See ya
Hi Destiney,
I'm sorry that your country has experienced such a devasting lost. You and your country are in my prayers. There are people all over the world praying for you and your country. I know that Christchurch will be restored as the lovely place you known it to be. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. My class blog is Landrumshirleyedm310@blogspot.com
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